Our Ministries

There's room for you.

sunday school

Sunday school for children aged 3 years to high school is between 9:45am and 10:45am Sunday mornings, September through May (with a few holiday exceptions). Teachers welcome children to hear and engage in the full Biblical story through a variety of learning styles. A new Anabaptist curriculum, SHINE, will be used beginning September of 2014.

adult sunday school

The adult Sunday school class, which meets every Sunday morning at 9:45am, is a place to explore and grow in our faith. Classes include Bible studies, book studies, and discussions about God, faith, church, life, and many important current issues.

adult choir

Choral music has been an integral part of worship at SAMC since the church’s beginning. The adult choir is open to anyone who loves to sing. Just as in preaching, music's role is to bring the Word of God to its listener, encouraging her/him to greater faithfulness to that Word.  Along with singing regularly in the worship service, the choir has presented many of the classic oratorio/cantata works, as part of regular worship, or on special occasions.

kids choir

The Sargent Junior Choir is open to any children in Grade 1 through Grade 7. We meet every Wednesday evening at 6:30pm - 7:30pm from September until May to rehearse, visit and worship God through our voices. Some of the children in the choir are from the SAMC community but we are also blessed with children beyond our community who become part of our choir family. Approximately one Sunday a month the junior choir provides worship music for our congregation. A highlight for the choir is the annual musical which occurs in May each year. Every choir member has a part in the musical.

kids club

Kids Club is a place where children ages 6-12 can foster relationships as they engage in a variety of activities and crafts. A short devotion each meeting frames the fun in God's love and care. Kids Club has a fall and winter session; each session includes four biweekly meetings on Wednesday nights from 7:30 - 8:40pm.


Our youth program runs yearly from September until June. We gather as one group together with youth and sponsors from Home Street Mennonite Church; alternating between the two Churches for events. As a youth group, we focus on building relationships between youth, sponsors and the broader church community by gathering together twice a month as Senior youth (grades 9-12) and Junior youth (grades 6-9); and by participating in Area Church (Mennonite Church Manitoba) wide events throughout the year. We have lots of fun events often with singing, as well as learning pieces and service work activities.

Senior youth and Junior youth at Sargent also have time together each Sunday morning at 9:45am before the regular service during our normal Sunday School hour. During this time we more intentionally focus on bible studying and conversations regarding the ways our faith informs our actions and can be relevant for us today.

young adults

Young adults (generally aged 18-30+) meet once a month for fellowship lunches, games, service events, singing, and conversation. If you consider yourself a young adult, you are welcome to join us.

fellowship groups

SAMC has a variety of fellowship groups to help people build community and nurture faith: an adult friendship group for primarily seniors, a potluck group, small groups and a young adult group.

care giving and pastoral care

SAMC is committed to helping people live the abundant life God offers us in Christ. Our pastoral staff are honoured to journey through life’s difficult and joyful times with people. We also have a care giving ministry for individuals who could benefit from greater support and encouragement. Whatever your life situation, we hope and pray that you will experience God’s love.